The ACC is organized to provide and maintain uniformity and harmony in the construction of improvements to the homes in Castle Estates as documented in our Deed Restrictions. Any variance or improvements made to the exterior of your home or property must have prior written approval from the ACC. Per Section 6.2, no building, fence, wall or other structure shall be erected, placed or altered or permitted to remain on any Lot until the construction plans and specifications, including (but not limited to): the nature of change or addition, specifications, kind, shape, measurements, materials, color, location on property and in relation to existing structures, harmony of design, location in relation to topography, location of utility easements, and/or timing of completion, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ACC.

Please e-mail with your request, or use the contact form below (though pictures/documents/PDFs will still need to be e-mailed directly to the HOA). The ACC has 60* days from the receipt of all necessary information to approve or deny your request, though most are finalized well before that deadline. To minimize delays, please ensure all pertinent information is included in your original request. Incomplete requests will be denied.

Homeowners can also submit "Informal" reviews that are less detailed for a non-binding evaluation by the ACC for the guidance and convenience of the homeowner(s). These informal reviews are NOT to be considered as permission to proceed with construction or improvements until a formal request is submitted and formal approval is given by the ACC.

The CEHOA ACC is separate from the CEHOA Board of Directors and the CEHOA in general. Only the ACC can approve or deny requests, though the Board may act as a liaison between the ACC and the homeowner(s). Please note that the CEHOA Board cannot change a determination made by the ACC. However, if the ACC denies or refuses approval to a proposed improvement, the Applicant may appeal to the CEHOA Board of Directors. Please see the CEHOA Architecture Review Policy document (Section III-6-d) for more information on this process.

Please refer to our Deed Restrictions for further guidance or contact us with any questions you may have about your project.

Architecture Control Committee (ACC)

CEHOA ACC Members (Term 2023-2025): Tom Estep, Jack Foreman, Aaron Deluna

Castle Estate HOA's Architectural Control is monitored by the CEHOA Architectural Control Committee (ACC), which is comprised of individuals who volunteer and are selected by vote for 2-year terms at our annual homeowner meetings.

No Board Member, spouse or other household member can serve on the ACC Committee while currently on the Board.

*60 Days per the Architecture Control Policy update approved 11-14-2023

*Amendments/Policies/Guidelines attached